When dentists compete for Dental Extractions...
You Win!

CarePresto Extractions

To find the best rates for dental extractions, patients usually get quotes from several dentists, asking for a comprehensive breakdown of the fees and the estimated total costs. However, to save you time we provide you with the average procedure cost in your area as well as the fee schedule with the actual price you will pay by procedure with your CarePresto plan.

How much does a Dental Extraction cost?

The average cost for a Dental Extraction is around $200+. However, with CarePresto, you could save money on the same procedure. Costs will vary depending on where you live and your needs.

Common Dental Procedures Average
Your Price
with CarePresto
D7140 Extraction, Erupted Tooth or Exposed Root (elevation and/or forcepts removal) $205 $60
D7210 Surgical Removal of Erupted Tooth Requiring Removal of Bone and/or Sectioning of Tooth $320 $130
D7220 Removal of Impacted Tooth - Soft Tissue $356 $150
D7230 Removal of Impacted Tooth - Partially Bony $446 $180
D7240 Removal of Impacted Tooth - Completely Bony $547 $410
D7250 Surgical Removal of Residual Tooth Roots (cutting procedure) $354 $266
D7310 Alveoloplasty in Conjunction with Extraction - 4 or More Teeth or Tooth Spaces, Per Quadrant $505 $379
D7320 Alveoloplasty not in Conjunction with Extractions - 4 or More Teeth or Tooth Spaces, Per Quadrant $279 $209

*CarePresto price is a sample of what some dentists are willing to charge for that procedure in the CarePresto Network.